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  • #1255671

    I have a button that I want to change the font that comes out by default. I have tried changing it from settings in advanced styles. I want a google font but it does not appear in the list


    Hey Ale,

    Which font do you want to use? Is the font loading on the page already?

    Best regards,


    the font is Google’s Montez, but for a strange reason I can’t load it from the general styles panel. And I don’t know how to put it on the simple button.
    Do you know any way even with css?


    Hi lamonaespacial,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Here is a list of fonts available in Enfold|Allerta|Antic|Arimo|Arvo|Bangers|Bitter|Cabin|Cardo|Carme|Coda|Comfortaa|Coustard|Damion|Dancing+Script|EB+Garamond|Finger+Paint|Fjord+One|Great+Vibes|Gruppo|Inconsolata|Josefin+Sans|Josefin+Slab|Kameron|Kreon|Lato|League+Script|Lobster|Lora|Mako|Marck+Script|Mate+SC|Merriweather|Metrophobic|Molengo|Montserrat|News+Cycle|Nixie+One|Nobile|Open+Sans|Open+Sans+Condensed:wght@300|Orbitron|Oswald|PT+Sans|Pacifico|Petit+Formal+Script|Podkova|Poly|Quattrocento|Questrial|Quicksand|Raleway|Righteous|Roboto|Sacramento|Salsa|Signika+Negative|Source+Serif+Pro|Sunshiney|Tangerine|Tenor+Sans|Yellowtail&

    If you want to use some other font you need to upload it.

    Here are the docs for you:

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Victoria.

    Thanks thanks thanks Victoria!!


    Hi lamonaespacial,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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