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  • #595364

    I want to change the font color for links and hover, only for just the posts in the blog. Now the color for links in the blog is same as the color which is defined as main content in general styling tab.
    How can I change the font color only for the posts in blog?
    Thanks in advance.


    Hi Ayumi!

    You can add the following CSS code in the Quick CSS field under the General Styling tab in the theme options:

    .template-blog a {
        color: #eeeeee;
    .template-blog a:hover {
        color: #000000;

    Change the value of the color to the colors you want for links in the blog post.


    Hi Jordan,

    Thank you for your response. The code works well. Excellent.
    Also, I need to change the color for bold style text in the blog post. Could you please tell the code?
    The Quick CSS is always helpful for me. Of course as well as support team members!



    Glad to hear the code worked!

    You can try the following to change the bold text’s color in the blog:

    .template-blog strong {
        color: #e4e4e4;

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the code, it works well. Perfect.



    Hi Ayumi!

    Glad to hear it worked! Enjoy your day :)


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