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  • #1376450

    I’ve looked everywhere, can’t find the answer. So, when you click on a post heading in Enfold, I want it to change to a different color on hover. My site is brand new and is still under construction.


    well it would be best to see a link to your page where to change.
    But i think you mean those post headings in lists or grid-view like here: Link
    etc. – then you can try in your quick css:

    #top .slide-entry-title a:hover {
      color: red;

    I tried the code you shared but it didn’t work. So, I’m talking about the post title right now they are all set to black, I want the post title to change to maroon #800000 when you hover over the title.


    With a single post? A visitor would then expect an action, wouldn’t he? If you don’t want to publish your page, then link to a demo page like I did above. Then we can determine the selectors easier.


    Hi garydavis1111,

    If you need further help, then please post a link to where we can see the element where you want to apply this to.

    Thanks for helping out @guenni007.

    Best regards,


    Again… my site is under construction…you can close this thread, it was of no help…..


    Sorry, we were not able to address your specific issue, once we are able to see your site we will be able to offer more customized responses.
    Once your site is on a web host post your questions with an admin login so we can assist, there are many elements with many different ways for them to be setup so it will be easier to help when we can see your site, please create a new thread we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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