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    Hi, I have moved a site from one domain to another. I have modified it lots, including colours, header logo, favicon, etc etc so it is basically a new site. Of course, in the Dashboard, the access to the Enfold theme settings the has the name of the old site.
    I went to the Editor and changed the title in style.css but this reset ALL my custom settings back to default Enfold. Fortunately, changing the title back brought my settings back – phew!
    So, how do I change the Theme Name in the child style.css without losing all my custom settings etc ?



    Hey Heathcliffe,

    Changing the theme name will reset the theme settings. Please take a backup of the theme settings first.

    Please Install a child theme if you have not yet already

    In the child theme styles.css just edit the theme name from “Enfold Child” to “Anything you like”.
    Theme Name: Enfold Child

    Import the theme settings from the Import/Export tab in Enfold theme options.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Vinay.

    Hi @Vinay – I did make reference to the child theme. I have a child theme installed. Changing the Them Name to “Anything you like” other than the original, messes everything up. Have you tried it?




    Yes that’s correct, once the name is changed please import the theme settings from the Enfold > Import/Export tab.

    Please take a backup of the theme settings before changing the theme name so you can import the settings later :)

    Best regards,



    Ah, thanks for the clarification. This worked. However, I had to “flush the style css by inserting something into the Quick CSS section” saved, deleted and saved, which I read in another topic.


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