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  • #206101

    Hi –
    in Layerslider
    I have set image as slider background and have a single text layer that I want to slide in at exactly the same time as the slider background does. (simultaneously)
    I didnt want to have to embed the text into the image, as a graphic, just to get this effect,
    do you know how to change the timing of arrival of the layer of text to have same time arrival as background of slide
    many thanks


    Hey Gillianrose!

    Go to LayerSlider WP > Slide > Global Settings > Slideshow > Animate first slide, turn it off. Edit the layer then go to Options > Duration > set the “Transition in” to 0.



    great thank you! that fixed the appearance of Layers going in but not going out transition, even though I set both in and out to Zero.So I then also changed the auto transition to fade, and it now does the same job as I want to achieve, i.e. not looking like its sliding out separately….
    unless you know another way to make layer disappear as the slide goes out?

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