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  • #1043907

    How / what do I add to my functions file to stop the autocomplete from showing up in the new search bar?

    I do not want the autocomplete function to show up / work when the search is being used. I have an ajax drop down that I would like to continued being displayed when a user starts to search, but I would like to turn off the autocomplete of the search bar from previous search input history.

    Thank you


    Okay, I figured it out… This is not closed yet though.

    I added :: autocomplete=’off’

    to my :: /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/search/search.php file

    but this is not in my child theme, how can I make this happen using a child theme?


    You can overwrite shortcodes in your child theme by adding a filter to your functions.php.

    Follow the first explanation from Guenni in this thread:


    Hello @chrgrv,

    Thank you for this input and direction.

    This may be the missing step I have had in actually being able to use my child theme.

    But once I create my shortcodes folder and add

    add_filter(‘avia_load_shortcodes’, ‘avia_include_shortcode_template’, 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
    $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
    array_unshift($paths, $template_url.’/shortcodes/’);
    return $paths;

    to my functions.php … all I have to do is drop my edited files into the shortcodes folder?

    Thank you for all of your time and assistance


    Yes … after adding the filter it should work to copy/edit the shortcodes into that folder.
    Remember to disable or regenerate any possible caches.



    Thanks for helping out @cg, did you have any luck with that @MrPoBoi?

    Best regards,


    Hello @Rikard,

    Thanks for stopping by, I have not completely figured it out on how to do it this way, even though I slightly understand whta is being told and would really like to learn how to do it this way as I feel like this will help for future edits.

    But I do not know how to pull, call and or use shortcodes from the theme this way.

    If you could tell me exactly what I have to replace this time, I would be able to find out what I need to do for future references on my own. I am able to figure out what I need to do by hacking at a code that I know works, but I do not quite understand the one part that I need to replace into this new folder.

    Thanks again for stopping by and I definitely appreciate CG pointing us in the right direction


    You only have to copy that whole file you edited, i.e. “search.php”, into the folder “shortcodes” inside of your child theme … directly into that folder without further subfolders.

    The documentation of Enfold also explains the part for your child theme functions.php.
    I didn’t found the link two days ago, that’s why i linked to that forum thread, but here it is:



    first of all to my co participants: use code block element to represent code snippets here on board !
    Only on that you can copy / paste things to your code.

    to have no ajax search suggestions on the input field on top you can do this to your child-theme functions.php
    i don’t know if this will work too on the new ALB – but try it

    Edit : on that ALB Element there is on “Search Settings” a possibility to get rid of the ajax looklike !

    add_action('avf_frontend_search_form_param', 'av_disable_ajax_search',9);
    function av_disable_ajax_search($params)
    	$params['ajax_disable'] = true;
    	return $params;

    And by the way – i got no autocomplete on my installation – it will on case of ajax show directly all Results under the container – but the inputfield will not autocomlete f.e. imp to impressum etc.


    @Guenni007: the thread opener doesn’t want to disable ajax suggest.



    Are you guys kidding me… this is all I have had to do for this long!?

    I have been doing crazy css tricks to hide things this whole time.

    LOL THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! This will be incredible for future edits.

    One final question, can I edit my woocommerce files through here too, by adding the complete folder and path?

    or does everything that can be changed have to come from:

    Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed to this post, the past post that helped and of course the individuals that helped create this great theme and documentation for it

    But once again, another thank you to CG who is a participator but still came through with great and thorough information that could have been enough for me to get the job done if I was skilled enough to understand what it said. But with everyone elses contribution and his continued contribution I will now be able to make greatness!!

    Thank you


    Does anyone know the snippet of code to be able to replace the framework/php/ files?

    Thank you in advance


    If you have to “overwrite” php-Files from the Enfold-Framework … then “something is wrong” … :-)

    Can you specify what kind of adjustment you want to make?
    Maybe it can be achieved using hooks or filter (

    And maybe use a new thread for it to keep the topic clear.


    Hello CG,

    Thanks for stopping by again.

    To answer your first question, I was removing the asterisk from the enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php

    this is where the required asterisks are being displayed inside inline contact forms.

    I do a lot of crazy custom edits, usually to woocommerce, so I am looking for a way to keep ALL of my edits in my child theme… sort of how the theme used to work about a year ago

    I have already created a similar post, and that is how I found out where to locate the issue and what page to edit thanks to @Yigit

    I figured since this request was probably the same code just with a changed subfolder, I wouldn’t clog up the support forum, as I think it is probably already pretty time consuming for them to get through all of the ones that they currently have.

    It also is probably pretty hard for them, as they must open every thread just to see that a large portion of these peoples problems can be solved with the display: none; css code

    Anyways, I would really love to know the code on how to do this for other folders in my main theme, that I would like to edit and have placed in my child theme.

    Thank you for your time and help


    You should avoid to change the core files in the “framework”-folder of Enfold. Not in the main theme and not in the child theme.
    And you can’t override those files like other ones e.g. “Templates”, “CSS” or “Shortcodes”. They are included functions and don’t belong to the WordPress Template Hierarchy.

    For WooCommerce … you can overwrite the templates within your Enfold Child Theme like in every other WP Theme:


    You can also overwrite the templates from Enfold (normal non-shop pages, posts, header, footer etc.) in a child theme like in every (most) other WP child themes:


    You can add custom CSS for styling:


    You can override the Enfold Advanced Layout Builder elements:


    You can also change core functionalities by using hooks and filter:


    Did i miss something?
    Maybe … but a lot of stuff can be “crazy customized” by you … hehe … :-)

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by cg.


    I do not know what has changed, but simply adding the woocommerce folder and making my changes did work successfully this time!

    I can get back on course!

    I am pretty sure you… did not miss anything that can help this exact post and or any sort of spin off of this post.

    This was a great help and I got a lot of value out of this thread.

    Thank you, thank you… thank you!

    I can finish up the loose ends on my project and feel comfortable that they are safe in my child theme.

    Thank you again!

    This thread can definitely be sealed up and closed.

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed, and most of all, a special thank you to CG!



    Great! We’ll close the thread now. Have a nice day.

    Best regards,



    Great! We’ll close the thread now. Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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