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  • #1406798


    I’m trying to figure out the best way to add a full width banner or series of logo images right below the main header menu. I use the enfold child theme. I want to put As Seen On …… and then have Amazon, Walmart, Costco, etc. etc for strong retail proof when visitors come and land on site. Do I just do a full length image and have a designer create it? I want all logos the same size. Or would the partner/logo element work? Thanks!


    Thank you for your help Guenni007, this would also be my recommendation.
    simplycoding15 were you able to achieve this?

    Best regards,



    ’s deleted post:

    style your partnerlogo element on a draft page. without any other elements – to get the pure enfold shortcode for it.
    in that shortcode remove all linebreaks – so you got a oneliner shortcode

    insert the shortcode using the do_shortcode – You can limit the use of the shortcode via conditional tags.



    but why does it break the board soft ( this code inside codetag) but on my wordpress installation inside child-theme functions.php not ?

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