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  • #705495

    I am trying to use a large logo which is 860 pixels wide and 250 pixels high.

    I’ve look through all the posts on resizing the logo and tried this css code

    .logo img {
    height: 250px;
    width: 100%;

    But Enfold still shrinks my logo.

    When I inspect the element it says the logo is 556 x 200 (natural 578 x 200)



    Hey seanchk,

    When you add the media, do you select the full size logo?
    Please check and let us know.

    Best regards,


    Yes Basilis,

    I upload the logo image and make sure the image that will be used is selected as full size.

    In my header settings I have selected header height to be Custom Pixel Value and set that as 200 pixels.

    My logo (when uploaded) is 578 wide x 200 high but as I mentioned above it is being squashed to 556 x 200.



    Hi Sean,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Please note: I did not build this horrible site!

    I’ve just been asked to fix some problems with it.

    Private link to the site below



    Your logo is being displayed in 578x200px at the moment. Have you been able to figure it out? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit

    It’s ok now.

    Although I’m confused why it says 556 x 200 when I inspect



    What is the screensize you are using? Logo is responsive therefore it would be resizing accordingly on smaller screens.



    Hello! This is my Question too. My Logosize: 1.210px × 191px (Skaliert zu 557px × 88px)
    My site is not online yet to show it. I want the picture whole width.



    We need to see the site so that we can inspect it. Please set the Header Size to custom and adjust the header height value.

    Best regards,

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