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  • #1038318


    i need to create layout A but layout B is the result i have.

    I need three 2/3 text block on the left side and one 1/3 text block on the right
    the 1/3 text block need to be equal to the length of the three 2/3 box.

    Layout A

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    Layout B

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    Thank you


    Hey Jon,

    Try adding the lower 2/3 into the upper, or just the content from it, not the actual cells.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    How do i implement padding & border color on a text block element ?

    my main objective is to create a 3 maybe div border to surround the 3 element ?
    please see image.

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    This is the site that i am trying to build
    please see private content



    Thanks for the screenshots. You could wrap your content in a div like this for instance:

    <div style="border:1px solid red; padding:20px;">Your content goes here</div>

    Best regards,


    But how do i create a div to wrap those element ?

    There are
    – special heading
    – video
    – blog post
    – text block

    i am using layout builder.

    Thank you



    My answer was to this question:

    How do i implement padding & border color on a text block element ?

    You would add the code I posted inside of the text block element.

    For the other elements you would need custom CSS if the elements don’t provide the options you need.

    Best regards,

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