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  • #546677


    We have a problem with the enfold form. From some days ago the emails sent from the forms come with the (Email address hidden if logged out) email in the “from” field, so when we reply to the messsages we get a error becouse that email doesn´t exist.
    Until now, the from field was the email set by the users in the contact form, how we can “fix” this to continue working until now?



    Hey temptel!

    can we please have backend access to your web site, so we can give a look at the issue?
    THanks a lot for your time and patience

    Best regards,


    Hello Basilis,

    Here i send you the details.




    There’s an available filter for that. Please refer to this link for a possible fix: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/hook-on-contact-form-element/#post-524535




    So, if we want to use like from the form field named “Mail”,
    how could we use that code? where do we apply these modifications?

    add_filter(‘avf_form_from’, ‘avia_change_from’, 10, 3);
    function avia_change_from($from,$new_post,$params){
    $from = (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘;
    return $from;

    What we don´t understand is how until now the form got the value “from” without any modification.




    We have modified into the file fuctions.php the value to test, and it works with that email in the example, but how we could use one of the form fields where is the email value?




    The email comes from the E-mail field, that’s why there’s a note in the contact form options under “Add/Edit Contact Form Elements” saying “It is recommended to not delete the ‘E-Mail’ field if you want to use an auto responder.”. If there is no email field, it will default to (Email address hidden if logged out) . If you want to create more extensive forms, use the Contact Form 7 plugin.




    Ploblem fixed.

    The form was like you say with that field. So, to do something “different” we redo the from from zero and now it works…

    Thanks for your help.

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