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  • #775221

    Hi, I set up a very simple Advanced Layer Slider. Slide 1 is my logo, slide 2 is my tagline. Both are images. The slideshow is basically my logo fades in and then the tagline fades in, and both stay on the screen after that. Works great! But it will only play once. If I scroll up or down and then back to the spot where the slideshow is, it won’t replay the fading. How can I get it to replay from the start when it becomes visible? Thanks!


    Hey likegluelikecrew,

    Could you please post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look?

    I believe it stops because you only have one slide. What you can do is duplicate your one slide. This way, ALS cycles through two slides, but it looks like you’re repeating just one.



    No it’s got two slides. But I have them both set to “Keep this layer visible forever” so the animation doesn’t repeat over and over again, it just plays once, with the two lines fading up from a white background and then staying on. I WOULD like it to play again if a person scrolls up or down, and then when they scroll back over the slides, it plays again just once, like it normally does the first time through. So basically the short animation is triggered when it becomes visible, causing it to play just once. (In the slideshow setting I have it set to Start Only In Viewport, which causes this to happen, but it will only work the first time through. When a person scrolls off and back, the animation doesn’t play).

    Hopefully that was clear. Is it possible to set it up the way I described?


    Hi likegluelikecrew,

    I was about to check your website, but it would not open (error in private section). Is your site down? Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Not sure why it’s not working for you. I cleared the cache on a few browsers and tried it and it worked. It also works on my phone and someone else’s computer that I tried.



    I WOULD like it to play again if a person scrolls up or down, and then when they scroll back over the slides, it plays again just once, like it normally does the first time through.

    I’m sorry but there is no option for that. You have to create an animation loop so that the slider plays infinitely regardless of the scrolling event. Another option is the “play-by-scroll” feature of the layer slider.


    Best regards,


    Got it, it’s not really such a big deal but I thought it would be nice to have the animations replay on viewport, or at least have an option for it. Developers, if you’re reading I’m officially requesting lol!


    Please feel free to request – or vote if already requested – such feature on Enfold feature request form.

    Best regards,

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