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  • #218995

    Is it possible to disable the line under the title of a post?, such as:

    October 21, 2013/0 Comments/in Breaking News, Images /by Kriesi

    How can I only shows the date of posting? I dont need comment, catagory name and posting user.



    Hey tobylove!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    .text-sep-date, .comment-container .minor-meta, .text-sep-comment, .blog-categories .minor-meta, .text-sep-cat, .blog-author .minor-meta { display: none!important; }



    This did not work for me. It just got rid of the slashes.



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .post-meta-infos { display: none; }

    Best regards,

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