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  • #1098456


    I’m using the enfold theme and I have enabled the avia layout builder for the event pages from the Events calendar plugin from Modern Tribe. However, when I activate the layout builder it overrides all of the default templates from the Event Calendar, removing the divs with event information etc. Now this is not a huge problem because I want to change the default template of event pages anyway.

    However, the problem arises when I want to add RSVP tickets to an event. Because the RSVP form is also added to an event page by default, it is also overridden by the avia builder as soon as it is activated. I have no idea how to display the RSVP form while the avia builder is activated, but I would like to be able to both customize my event page with avia builder and still have attendees sign up through the RSVP form.

    I have tried turning the RSVP.php file into a content element for avia builder, but the code does not execute properly because it pulls variables from other files within the event tickets plugin directory.
    I have also tried including a shortcode that would include the php file, but that did not give any results.

    I feel like I’m missing an obvious solution here, but I just don’t know where to look for it. Please help!


    Hey Schipperijn,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    I’m running the website on my localhost right now so I can’t do that at the moment.
    I currently do not have an online accessible test location available, sorry about that!

    Below I’ve attached 2 screenshots.
    The top screenshot is what an event page looks like out of the box without turning on the avia layout builder.
    The bottom screenshot is what an event page looks like as soon as I turn on the avia layout builder (I didn’t add any layout builder elements, I only enabled it.)

    The thing I need to display on my event page with layout builder activated is the ticket (Deelname aanmelden) form in the bottom right of the first screenshot.

    Event page without layout builder

    Event page with layout builder


    Hi Schipperijn,

    Please have a look at the solution posted here

    Best regards,

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