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  • #1276949

    I have a simple issue that’s driving me crazy.
    I have an H2 heading with a link on the page below, but the hover color should be #ab4447 like the h3 headings below it, but it’s not changing color.
    using this code:

    h2 a:hover {
        color: #ab4447!important

    I have looked but can’t find why it’s not working. Can you help me with this?


    Hi Munford,

    I don’t see the CSS code being fetched.
    Try to flush out the cache if you have a caching plugin and temporarily disable it.
    Also, try to disable any CSS modification whether plugin or in Enfold > Performance > CSS file merging and compression.

    Best regards,


    thanks for your help I figured a work-around.
    you can close this thread


    Hi Munford,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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