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  • #1247573

    Hi Support,

    the tooltip alignment on our site no longer works. .av-tt-pos-left .av-tt-align-centered is not on the right place. Changing the tooltip position does not change the layout.

    We have already deactivated all plugins, but it is still displayed incorrectly.

    Is this due to the update to WordPress 5.5?

    Thanks for your support.
    Best regards


    Hey Tobias,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The vertical position of the tooltip is probably off because it contains images. For some reason, the space taken by images are not taken into consideration when calculating the top position of the tooltip. Does it work correctly when the images are removed?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your answer.

    No, it doesn´t work correctly on point 1, too. This tooltip is without picture :-( Please have a look on the site.




    Thank you for the update.

    We removed the hidden sections on the page but it did not change anything, and also tried to deactivate the plugins again to no avail. Please post the FTP detail in the private field so that we could debug the issue further.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your help Ismael!

    You find the FTP-Details in the private content.





    Thank you for info.

    The alignment issue occurs because the script fails to get the actual height of the tooltip — the height value is always set to 0. To fix the issue temporarily, we modified the js > avia.js file and around line 1619, we hard-coded the height value.

    default: pos1 = (offset.top + (element.outerHeight() / 2)) - (350 / 2); break;

    We will forward this thread to our channel so that we could provide a fix in the next patch.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your help!

    Unfortunately I can’t see any difference. The problem still occurs – look screenshot: https://next.touch2be.de/index.php/s/p5DPDmmHfyM34cR

    Please look at this again.

    Thanks a lot




    Thank you for following up.

    You might be looking on a cached version of the page with the old script. Please try to purge the plugin cache and remove the browser history, then check the page again.

    You might also have to adjust the hard coded height value in the js > avia.js, line 1619.

    default: pos1 = (offset.top + (element.outerHeight() / 2)) - (350 / 2); break;

    Replace 350 with a lower value to move the tooltip upwards.

    Best regards,

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