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  • #1182617

    I put 6 images on horizontal garelly, it only show 5 images and the navigation button doesn’t work well.
    aslo in mobile mode, the images aren’t responsive.

    please check at the link here:

    Thank you


    Hi support team,
    is there anyone can help me?
    just wating for you too long..
    looking forward to your support.

    thank you!



    I’m not sure which element you are referring to on the page you linked to, could you clarify a bit or post a screenshot highlighting the problem you are having please?

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the update.

    It seems to be an issue with the lazy load option. Is it working correctly when the lazyload option is disabled?

    You can also try to set a minimum width to the images to prevent miscalculation of the gallery container width.

    .av-horizontal-gallery-img {
    	min-width: 178px;

    Please don’t forget to disable the Performance > File Compression settings after adding the code.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    I deactivated the lazyload plugin and it worked correctly.
    One more thing is when in tablet or mobile mode , the image is not full high.
    Like the screen shot image here:
    How can I fix it?

    Thank you!



    I see the screenshot is from within the WordPress back-end. Have you confirmed the problem is occurring from within the browser or on the actual tablet device itself. I’m not able to recreate the problem.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Yes, the problem occurs on browser.
    Please see another screenshot here:

    Thank you.



    Thank you for the update

    You don’t need the following code anymore because you already disabled the lazyload option.

    .av-horizontal-gallery-img {
    	min-width: 178px;

    Removing the code should fix the issue on smaller screens.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    although I deleted your code, the problem still the same
    you can refer to link here:

    Thank you.



    Sorry for the delay. Can we access the dashboard? We would like to check the gallery settings. Please post the login details in the private field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Please check detail below.

    Thank you.



    Thank you for the info.

    We adjusted the Styling > Gallery Settings > Gallery Height settings. This seems to be the only way to prevent the images from being cut off or from overflowing outside the gallery container.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    It doesn’t work.

    Thank you.



    You might have to use another element in place of the horizontal gallery because the items are automatically resized similarly or uniformly regardless of the actual image size. It also cuts off parts of the images in order to keep their aspect ratio, so it will not work if the image contains vital information such as text. You can try the Easy Slider element instead.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,

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