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  • #1322038


    All good.. but a few small things

    1) how do we change the background colour of the search box.
    Currently it’s white text on a white background, so not visible.
    We’d like to set it to say a grey colour..


    2) The blog posts , tags are being variable.

    I want to show tags on the posts and summaries,
    but not the comments.


    ideally a simple grid layout for the main blog, featured image small , short description

    then on the single posts,. the tags and catagories,
    but not comments etc.

    However the title isn’t showing
    or the tags..

    not sure why?



    Hey psipi,
    Thank you for your patience and the links,
    To change the background colour of the search box:

    #top .main_color input[type='text']#s {
    	background-color: gray;

    To remove the comments from your post grid:

    #top .avia-content-slider .slide-meta-comments,
    #top .avia-content-slider .slide-meta-del {
    	display: none;

    For your single post /pause-stop-reset-podcast-news/ it looks link this was created with the Advanced Layout Builder so the other elements are not automatically added. If you compare this to your single post /april-parsons-recommends-pausestopreset/ which has these other elements link the tags, social sharing links, and related posts which are automatically added.

    Best regards,


    Firstly thanks.. as ever you rock :)

    2 more queries.. hopefully simple.

    why are the images not all square?
    in the grid?
    e..g the one for waves?

    2) on the mobile .. there is no featured image showing for the single posts.
    e.g. https://pausestopreset.com/news/waves/
    and I’d like one to show up.. ideally..


    For #2, this layout hides the image on mobile, to show try this css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive #top.single-post .template-blog .blog-meta {
        display: block;
    .responsive #top.single-post .template-blog .entry-content-wrapper.standard-content {
    	float: left;

    For #1 three of the four featured images are using portfolio sized images (495×400) so their rendered aspect ratio is 216×175 the one image that is square “the podcast” is using an imagine that is 400×400 so it’s rendered aspect ratio is 216×216.
    So you could change your featured images to use the same size as you did with your one image “the podcast” or you could try this css if you don’t mind the aspect ratio being a little off:

    #top.page-id-448 #main .slide-entry-wrap .wp-post-image {
    	height: 216px;
        width: 216px;

    Best regards,

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