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  • #1027948

    Hi guys,

    I have a rouge plugin that still loads jquery above the fold (in the header) even with enfold set to load jquery in the footer.

    Is there a hook I can use to move the script to the footer?
    Or is there a way to achieve a similar affect to the widget in column 2 ‘follow us on facebook’ without using the plugin that is built in to Enfold?


    Sorry the widget in column 2 in the footer

    I missed a bit.



    I think you will need to deregister that script first then enqueue it again and load it in the footer. Maybe it would be better if you reached out to the plugin developers to see if they can help you out with that?

    Best regards,


    Never replied to this. Now that Enfold can scan the footer for shortcodes, I have simply replaced the social icon widget with a shortcode for all of my clients sites.

    Cheers guys.



    I’m glad to hear you found a suitable solution. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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