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  • #597678


    We have a video showing in our home inside a fullwidth easy slider. But on smartphones it doesn’t show, it shows with a white line… any ideas?
    This is the web http://www.take-ad-way.com/




    I’ve seen this in the slider
    Choose fallback image for mobile devices
    Either upload a new, or choose an existing image from your media library
    Video on most mobile devices can’t be controlled properly with JavaScript, which is mandatory here, therefore you are required to select a fallback image which can be displayed instead

    So, what do you think I can do, to show the video? maybe not putting it in a slider?



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You have to add a fallback image because the video is disabled on mobile device. The workaround is to hide the slider on mobile then display the actual video. Use css media queries to toggle the display of the elements. Example here; https://kriesi.at/support/topic/home-page-video-on-mobile-phone/#post-449787



    Hi, see private content



    it’s restricted by the vendors of those devices, that’s why we implemented the function of a fallback image. Though you can try to ask on codeable: http://kriesi.at/contact/customization



    Thanks, its solved now

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