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  • #212178

    Hi, I would like a little help in making some final changes for the website (hosted on WPengine)

    1. I would like to have each post in the grid layout to have a light grey background so that it appears distinct, just like you see in the featured post below the layer slider.

    2. When the user clicks on “customer login” in the top right in the thin blue bar, a pop-up should display just like the search function pop-up, which will have fields for username and password. The field should then pass the data to the same fields on and upon validation, open the userportal at in a new tab. I do not like how its opening in the frame now.

    3. Also, how do i hide a featured post from appearing in the grid layout below it, as you can see the featured post also appears as the 1st entry in the grid.

    Please have these answered soon. Thanks :)


    Hi hbjcapital!

    1.) You can add this on Quick CSS:

    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry {
    overflow: hidden;
    background: gray;
    padding: 10px;

    2.) This is beyond the support scope. Please hire a freelance developer to fix the “customer-login” functionality for you.

    3.) You’re using a plugin for the related posts? Please contact the author plugin to remove the featured post or add tags on posts to show related posts.

    Best regards,

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