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  • #1202636

    Hi I have created a “Mansory gallery” for my blog where I have listed the articles in a certain category of the blog.

    In the screenshot you can see how the dates of the article come out just under the name of the article itself.


    Now I would like to understand how I can hide the date from the Mansory Gallery and leave only the preview image and the name of the article.

    thanks a lot

    P.S. The URL where you can see the gallery of my blog is: https://www.ls-consulting.it/corsi-sicurezza-sui-luoghi-di-lavoro/


    Hey mauro_gallone,

    Thanks for the screenshot. I can’t see the date on your actual site though, did you manage to find a solution?

    Best regards,


    I managed to solve it by adding the following code in the general settings-> Custom CSS:

    span.av-masonry-date {
    display: none!important;

    Thanks a lot,
    Best regard’s


    Glad to hear that you have sorted it out. We will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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