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  • #384901

    Hi – I’m wondering if there’s any way I can hide related videos at the end of a YouTube video when using the video element in the Advanced Layout Editor?


    Hi sundialstudios!

    Instead of using our shortcode go watch your video on youtube and click on the “Share” button and then “Embed” and copy the code it gives you. It should automatically have the “rel=0” added to the URL so the related videos do not display.

    Our shortcode uses the WordPress [embed] code and I don’t think there is a way to disable the related videos that way yet.



    I had the same issue: want to hide YouTube related videos in all my posts without using the Youtube Embed code but only the YouTube Share Url.
    use this plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/hide-youtube-related-videos/
    It works… :-)


    Hi sundialstudios!

    Did the plugin work for you?



    I never saw that response, I’ll try it tomorrow.



    Please do so and let us know so we can mark the thread as resolved or assist you further



    That plugin worked great!


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