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  • #224696

    Hi there,

    I’m trying to get my site live, after 4 long years of dealing with a poorly coded and not supported other theme (who’s company ended up going out of business). I went through, literally, every theme on Themeforest and decided to choose yours. THANK YOU for making such a great theme.

    So here are my questions (because I’m trying to re-build the site I used to have with my old broken theme, and I could really use your help):

    Header Question:
    1. I would like to put an image at the very top of the theme (that takes up the whole length of the header, (and using the “header with the bottom menu” choice), and also move the header menu down a bit so the space above it is larger and will fit my image. Is this possible? I know it says on the page that their are advanced header options, but I wasn’t sure what is possible. What I’d like to put there is a changing image (based on time of day) of grass and sky. Below that will be the site and bottom menu).

    Audio Question:
    2. I see this beautiful theme supports video, but what about audio files, like podcast, songs or audio reels: Can you add audio files that will show up nicely (like these:

    Sidebar and Footer Widget Areas:
    3. Is it possible to change the color/give borders around and behind the widget areas (in the sidebar and footer) so they can be separated? I prefer them to be in their own boxes if possible, rather than just “floating”.

    Multiple Blogs Pages: Population Question
    4. Can I have, in essence, 2 or 3 blog pages? For example: I’d like to have a “Featured” page which will have a grid of my featured blog posts, but then I would like to have a few other pages that only populate the articles relating to that “category”. For example, “Interviews”, “Inspiration” or “Travel Advice” posts. I know you have the multiple author option, but I wasn’t sure if this was possible.

    You Might Also Like Automatic Boxes?
    5. Does this theme have/support “You might also like” boxes with thumbnails that automatically populate other similar posts below current posts? And/or a shortcode to add them to pages like this:

    Ad Ready?
    6. Is the site set up to easily add any ads to the widget areas of pages and/or posts?

    Very many thanks for your kindness and help with my questions!

    Kindest regards,

    Manuel, who built the beautiful Delight theme, mentioned to me that you are the very best and most talented person/team on Theme Forest and that I should take a look at your Enfold (and other themes). He was right. You’re like superheroes! (I just sent you to a group of my friends who were all chatting about getting their own sites. I said, “OH, you HAVE to see this guy on Theme Forest who makes literally the most powerful themes I’ve ever seen for “stupid” people like us! He’s amazing!!” So THANK YOU for making such powerful themes, and for being patient with those of us who don’t understand all you do. (If only we could download or connect via FireWire to your brain! :))


    Hey Place_Creations!

    1- Depending on the size of the image, you can add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    .bottom_nav_header.social_header #header_main .container {
    height: 180px; }

    It will increase the height of header section. If your logo is 1030x200px, you should set the value to 200px. It will push the main menu lower as well.
    2- You can choose Audio post format and upload your audio files in media uploader to add to your post
    Or you can use this plugin to share audio files from SoundCloud
    3- Please add following code to Quick CSS as well and adjust as needed

    .avia_widget_section { padding: 10px; border: solid 1px red; margin-bottom: 20px; }

    4- You can create your page and add either Blog Posts or Fullwidth Masonry element under Content Elements in Avia Layout Builder and choose to display any category you would like to display.
    5- Yes it does. Blog posts with the same tags will be displayed in Related Posts section
    6- You should have no problem adding ads to widget areas using Text Widget

    Thanks for your kind words, glad you like Enfold :)



    Thanks so much Yigit. (Sorry for my delayed response. I’m laid up with a ruptured disc in my back ;)).

    So I’m trying to do these things one at a time. I searched everywhere to find the “Quick CSS” but could not find it. If I update the regular “CSS Stylesheet Editor” and add that code to the line, nothing happens. Any advice?



    I found it! So sorry!

    Thanks a million!! :D



    Ok, I found it, but adding the lines of code did not work to make the borders show up on the widgets or to make the header larger. Nothing actually changed, even when I made it 1000 instead of 200.


    Hey C!

    So sorry to hear about that. Hope you get well soon! :)
    Since we have talked the last time, theme has been updated multiple times. Now it has more awesome features. Can you please firstly update Enfold to the latest version 2.9.1 via FTP –

    Best regards,

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