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  • #698003

    I have adjusted the spacing on a page using the following quick css.

    div .av_one_fourth {
    	margin-left: 2%;
    	width: 24%;
    	float: left !important;
    div .av_three_fourth {
    	margin-left: 2%;
    	width: 74%;
    	float: left !important;

    I wanted to give it a custom class of “introsection” so it doesn’t use that everywhere, but I’m unsure as to where I should put the .introsection tag in the CSS. Can anyone help please?



    Hi jonrouse!

    Please try following

    div .av_one_fourth.introsection {
    	margin-left: 2%;
    	width: 24%;
    	float: left !important;
    div .av_three_fourth.introsection {
    	margin-left: 2%;
    	width: 74%;
    	float: left !important;

    If that does not help, please post the link to your page.



    Thanks Yigit, my maths was wrong. The three_fourth was displaying beneath the one_fourth. I changed it to this and it’s working great, thank you.

    div .av_one_fourth.introsection {
    	margin-left: 2%;
    	width: 23%;
    	float: left !important;
    div .av_three_fourth.introsection {
    	margin-left: 2%;
    	width: 73%;
    	float: left !important;


    Great! Glad we could help :)
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!

    Best regards,

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