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  • #667078

    Hi Support,

    i am puzzled

    i did some header customisations together with you. (attached in private area) and it was working nice.
    And now i activate mobile menu on smartphones to get the menu items hidden.+

    When i activate “mobile menu for tablets” the menu and the search and cart icons are freaking out.

    credentials attached please turn on and tell me how to fix.

    many thanks



    screenshot below


    the modifications are in the child theme in the style css.


    Please give me a hint where my mobile search icon was going. ;-) I feel this is relation.



    Thank you for reaching out to us, Posting the CSS here do not help. Please explain the issue precisely what exactly do you mean by it’s freaking out? I am assuming that the search icon is not displayed in mobile?

    Do you want to display search icon in mobile? Would you mind posting us a screenshot/mockup of what you would like to achieve? You can upload the screenshot to or dropbox and share the link here :)

    Best regards,

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