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    I still don’t know how to set a Header image or Slider. So at the moment I’ve got my logo on the Top then a Horizontal Ruler over the entire page followed by a other half way Horizontal Ruler and I am wondering for what that is? Can’t see that I set this one my page in the backend. But mabye if I know how to set a hader slider then this will disapear right?

    1. So quetion one for what is that half way Horizontal Ruler

    2. And how do I set a header image or Slider on the top of a Page.

    Do you have a YouTube chanel where I can follow up and have a look at the bascics setups like other Themebuilder do?


    Password: Enfold_2013

    Thank you



    Hi Btina,

    We have a channel on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/videos

    In Advanced Layout Editor > Media Elements there are 4 sliders that you can add to your pages. Simply drag&drop on the top of the page




    Hi Yigit

    That is preatty easy thank you!

    But what if I don’t want to show any kind a slider there is still this Horizontal Ruler on the Top (under the Navbar) who can I delet that?

    Thank you




    That particular page has a Horizontal Ruler on top of the content. You can click on “Edit page” on that page and delete Horizontal Ruler




    Hi Yigit

    You’re clever thank you! I diden’t know that. And what I also like you answer is pretty fast :)

    Thank you!



    Hi Btina,

    You’re welcome, glad we could help :)



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