August 3, 2015 at 10:50 pm #482439
Hallo zusammen
Ich erlaube mir auf Deutsch meine Anfrage zu formulieren:
Ich habe das Hauptmenu in der Sidebar; siehe Link zu meiner Seite. Das Menu ist eingeklappt und nur bei MouseOver “Bildergalerie” und “Links” wird das MegaMenu angezeigt.
Problem: Sobald das Responsive Menu angewendet wird (Mobiles) erscheint das komplette Menu aufgeklappt; iPhone, Z1, Tablets 7″ Hochformat usw
Frage: Wie kann ich das Menu ein- und ausklappen? So dass der User nur bei Bedarf die Anzeige des MegaMenus ansteueren kann?
Danke für eure Hilfe, eilt nicht :-)
Herzlichen Gruss
DaniAugust 5, 2015 at 1:29 pm #483293Hi Daniel!
please refer to this answer: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/mega-menu-not-accessible-on-mobile-devices/#post-124095
Best regards,
AndyAugust 5, 2015 at 1:49 pm #483314Hey Andy
Thx for the answer. My problem is that on Mobile devices all levels are shown; the whole tree (so it’s not very easy looking for visitors).
I would like to have a collabsed menu with the possibilty (marked by point or whatever) to open up the level 1 with the mega menu behind. I hope my english is not too bad and helps to explain my wish.
Best regardfs
DanielAugust 6, 2015 at 5:15 am #483666Hi!
Please use this in the functions.php file to enable the “Hide Mobile Menu Submenu Items” option if header is set to “Left sidebar”:
add_action('avf_header_classes', 'avf_header_classes_mod', 10, 3); function avf_header_classes_mod($class, $necessary, $prefix) { $class['header_mobile_behavior'] = 'header_mobile_behavior'; return $class; }
IsmaelAugust 6, 2015 at 4:34 pm #484008Hi
Thanks again very much. I included:
add_action('avf_header_classes', 'avf_header_classes_mod', 10, 3); function avf_header_classes_mod($class, $necessary, $prefix) {
$class['header_mobile_behavior'] = 'header_mobile_behavior';
return $class;
}In the functions.php. After the forntend was blanc and the backend also. What did I wrong?
DanielAugust 7, 2015 at 7:54 am #484316Hey!
Please copy the code directly from this forum, not from your email. Make sure that that symbols are not converted to something else.
IsmaelAugust 7, 2015 at 8:07 am #484319Hey …
I did copy the code directly. Is there a specific location to put the code in?
I tried again and got a blanc frontend and backand.
DanielAugust 7, 2015 at 11:59 am #484465Hey!
In that case, please remove the code from functions.php file and then create a temporary admin login and post it here privately so we can add the code for you.
YigitAugust 8, 2015 at 5:13 pm #484820Hey
The code is removed and the functions.php like it was.
Thx very much
DanielPs. It’s right that i have to refresh the functions.php after each update of the Enfold theme, isn’t it?
August 10, 2015 at 11:09 am #485156Hey!
We added the code in the functions.php file and it works as expected: http://www.rudolfvonrohr.com/blog/
Please remove browser cache before testing the page.
IsmaelAugust 10, 2015 at 11:23 am #485171Hey Ismael
I thank you very much for your help. Works super fine …. have a great day
Best regards from Switzerland
DanielOne more question: how can i colour the icon where i am on smart phones? and make the icons bigger?
- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by salalao.
- The topic ‘Hauptmenu zeigt MegaMenu im Responsive Mode an; resp. ist voll ausgeklappt’ is closed to new replies.