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  • #597949

    hi there – a client wishes to have the logo position on a site built with Enfold hard-coded to an alternate URL. how can i do this? thanks for your help!


    Hey charger70!

    Not sure if i understood you clearly. Would you like to change logo link? If so, please add following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    function av_change_logo_link($link)
        $link = "";
        return $link;

    If not, please elaborate on the changes you would like to make



    Hi Yigit – yes, the logo link – you got it.

    i tried your solution on functions.php inside the enfold folder on the server, and nothing happened. it still links to the subdomain where it resides. we need it to go to the link in private content.

    any ideas?



    Could you please provide login credentials to the site so we can have a closer look. You can put them in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    done, thank you, jordan.



    Editor is missing under Appearance tab. If you would like us to add the code into functions.php file, please post FTP credentials here privately as well.



    thanks, yigit. here you go.



    I added the code to functions.php file. Please review your website now

    Best regards,


    thank you, yigit! you are amazing, as always!!!

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