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  • #1438904

    Hi Genius’ … really need your help on this one.

    My first clue that something was wrong was when I tried to edit a text box and all the section within that color section highlighted to grey and when I opened a text box there was nothing there.

    This is what is happening:
    – 2/3 of page content disappeared after “updating”.
    – the revisions had only saved 1 minute and so I couldn’t access the original
    – I re-did the page ONLY because I had a past screenshot which I take in case something like this happens. I saved it the new revision AND saved a template so I would have a backup of the page.

    When the page loaded after “update” all the content had disappeared again and more importantly, when I tried to load the saved template, it was blank!!

    I gave up and concluded taking this page off the site altogether BUT prior to that I had changed a button style on the front page and when I saw the front page online I realised that 2/3 of that page content was missing also which is a big deal.

    Screenshot of the original page: Original Page Content

    Totally lost on how to solve this one!!!

    Kind regards,


    Hey Annemarie,

    I activated debug mode under Enfold->Layout Builder and copied the front page shortcodes to a test page, please see private. I tried adding some content to the page and that seems to be working as expected. Could you let us know how to reproduce the problem?

    By the way, the site in question is painfully slow.

    Best regards,


    Hej Rikard,

    Does the fact that this is happening give any more clues to what is going wrong. When I hover to edit a section, all the boxes become highlighed. Screenshot of all sections being activated

    We have just deactivated plugins but it is still happening.




    Thanks for the update. Are we talking about a new problem now, or are you asking if your disappering content is due to the UI problem?

    Best regards,


    The same problem….I was wondering if the disappearing content and not saving revisions was related to this problem in the screenshot which you might recognise? We have deactivated all plugins and reinstated and perhaps this was something that was an isolated ‘glitch’.

    The screenshot is the only thing I can document as something being “wrong”. I have also tested being able to insert content from a saved template which has worked and having started building a new front page from scratch on a new page everything seems to be working normally.

    If the screenshot doesn’t bring any specific cause to mind, I will close the topic.




    We haven’t seen the UI problem on your site before, but I don’t think that it’s related to the content disappearing. If you want to try to fix the UI problem, then please try overwriting the current theme files with a fresh copy of the theme via FTP: Also please try to activate the parent theme in order to check if the problem is coming from the child.

    Best regards,

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