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  • #547522


    I have an accordion slider on my home page that contains 6 images and is in a 1/2 layout element. When I run a GTMetrix / Pagespeed test, it tells me I should serve scaled images for the 6 image files.

    The following images are resized in HTML or CSS. Serving scaled images could save 385.7KiB (73% reduction).
    …jpg is resized in HTML or CSS from 845×321 to 434×165. Serving a scaled image could save 96.1KiB (73% reduction).

    When I go to the accordion slider settings, there is an option to choose a different image size but there is no option for a smaller image (only a larger image is an option).

    I have optimised the images using ewww image optimiser.

    Can you please recommend for me a way to serve scaled images instead so I can save the 385.7KiB?

    Thank you!


    Hi sweet3,

    I’m not sure exactly how that service analyses the images but the accordion is a bit of a different scenario since the whole image is not shown when not hovering, you could try changing one of your images to the size they recommend and see if the results are good or not?

    Best regards,

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