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  • #492573

    Hi Kriesi,

    I really like your theme. I need help with one thing: in my site. I have a lot of furnitures and I have grouped them into categories. Can you help me to find a way so-that only one piece from a portfolio category is displayed in the portfolio, but I can still house the other pages? For example: All the “Wingin’ collection” would display the “Wingin’ It Sitting Stool” (featured piece) -> when you click on it, you will be able to see the detail of the “Wingin’ It Sitting Stool” but also access the other pieces in that collection? Hope that makes sense.



    Hey luan103!

    What I would do is create a category for all of the “wingin it” items and do the same for the other items and create separate pages for each and use the portfolio grid shortcode on each page. You can have the portfolio grid shortcode display posts from only one category.

    Next you can create an “overview” page and use our column and image shortcodes and have the images link to each of those separate portfolio pages.


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