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  • #1155706

    Hi, I have a site under development due to launch in a couple of days. When checking appearance on mobile devices, I’ve found Google maps are not showing on iPhone. They do show on Android Pixel 3 and another using Chrome browser, and on Kindle Fire. The iPhones used were the 11 and XS Max. Link to website and login creds submitted in private content. Thanks in advance for your help.


    Hey gracedelanoy,

    Could you please clear the cache, check again and get back to us.

    I see no errors and the map is showing up on my end in Safari emulation.

    Best regards,


    Cleared cache multiple times on Safari, even tried Chrome. Same problem. None of my google maps are appearing on iPhone. I also tried replacing the /enfold/js/avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js file with this one –, and flushed browser cache again (per this topic: Still doesn’t work.


    Hi gracedelanoy,

    This seems to be a part of the bigger issue and it will be fixed in the new version. Please bear with us.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    Now, miraculously, the maps have appeared. I checked two different iPhones and they appear on both. Very curious as to why this happened. Thanks so much for your help!



    I’m glad this was resolved! It’s very possible it could have been a connection bottleneck making them take a while to load. Did you need further help on this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    I had someone test it in another geographic area (a few hundred miles away) and they had the same problem. Sooo, not sure what it was, but am so relieved it’s okay now! No further help needed, you can close.
    Thank you!



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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