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    google maps had changed in juni 2018 the billing and in some projects you´ll get issues in maps. Google Maps Info:

    Personal I hate this complex and complicated developer nerd settings in google maps backend. Tons of things to click for a simple map in the website. And you´ll get a limit of 10 projects too. Nobody – even google – can give you really helpful infos.

    Personal Current Conclusion in 10/2018
    There are two ways.
    1. JavaScript APIs
    If you use the JS APIs for “Maps”, “Routes” und “Places” you have to connect it to a billing method (credit card…). You´ll get a monthly credit of 200$ and hope that your projects will not generate more traffic than expected.
    Problem: You don´t know, when you will exceed the credit. As I read, this is only valid for one year and after that you´ll have to pay? And you can only have 10 projects connected to your billing method. Yes of course you can apply for more projects, but I tried it two times without an effect. And as I read it will cost too.

    2. Embed API
    As you can read at the link above (topic 3: pricing changes, another APIs for free or SDKs) there is one method left that is for free: embed API.
    In another theme you can choose between JS API or Embed API. I tried it and it works.
    Activate Maps Embed API and Maps JavaScript API. Not activate a billing method. It works until now.

    @enold: Do you have addional or other infos to that? Do you plan an intagration of embed API like in this screenshot?
    API Selection in backend of another theme
    @all – espacially webagencies: what is your expierience or way to handle that?

    Thanks Sven


    Hey AWZ,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You don´t know, when you will exceed the credit.

    You can actually find the usage or API calls equivalent of the $200 free credit in their pricing plan table. You’ll know that you have exceeded the limit when your map stats or requests are over the specified calls for a certain API. Look out for the “Dynamic Maps” API requests.

    // https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/sheet/

    Activate Maps Embed API and Maps JavaScript API. Not activate a billing method. It works until now.

    The Embed API is free but you can only use basic modes like “view” and “place” without any markers or directions. The “Javascript or Dynamic API” requires a billing account.

    // https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/usage-and-billing

    Do you plan an intagration of embed API like in this screenshot?

    The development team is planning to integrate a new map library like “leafletjs” and “openlayers”, both using data from “openstreetmap”. This is not sure yet.

    Best regards,

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