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  • #788604

    I’ve found (after adding URLs to the tooltip area in over 80 entries, that double quotes DO NOT WORK. ON a hunch I tried single quotes and it works, so I’m going back through all the entries (at least an hour’s work) to switch them all to single quotes. My two questions are…

    1. Why?
    2. Will I be screwed in an upcoming update (fingers crossed this happens soon) and have to switch them ALL back to double quotes?

    This works…

    <strong>Company Name</strong>
    City, State Zip
    Phone: <a href="tel:555-555-5555">(555) 555-5555</a>
    Website: <a href='' target='_blank'>Apple Computer</a>

    This DOES NOT work…

    <strong>Company Name</strong>
    City, State Zip
    Phone: <a href="tel:555-555-5555">(555) 555-5555</a>
    Website: <a href="" target="_blank">Apple Computer</a>

    (note the double quotes in the website URL).


    Never mind – I discovered what was happening. I have a clipping of the standard format I was using for all my addresses (about 09 in total)…

    <strong>Company Name</strong>
    Email: <a href='mailto:XXX?subject=website%20inquiry'>XXX</a>
    Website: <a href=‘http://XXX' target=‘_blank’>XXX</a>

    …and the quotations were coming over from the copy/paste as high ascii and I needed to overwrite the quotes for each separate address.

    It would be nice if the tooltip entry box were plain text, perhaps in a future version? I tried to post to the feature request post, but see that it is closed.


    Hi lzevon,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    Did not get what you mean by feature request post being closed, do you mind to elaborate?

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I’m probably just looking in the wrong area to post a feature request. On the support forum main page for Enfold, near the top I see the attached. Note the lock icon and inside that topic, it says at the bottom “The topic ‘Enfold Feature Requests’ is closed to new replies.”

    Perhaps you can just post a link to where new feature requests can be submitted?




    Please try here:

    Best regards,


    hi i was looking for the store locator
    I need something similar on my website… can you suggest me this plugin or an extension working on enfold?



    We haven’t verified any plugins like that, but maybe you can find something if you search for one?

    Best regards,



    I’ll close this topic for now since it’s old.

    Best regards,

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