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  • #995876

    Hallo Enfold support,
    i created the API key as always. This time it is not working properly. At first it works but if i reload the side it doesn’t work anymore (Hoppla! Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.)
    I hope you can help me!

    Best regards


    Hey Kati17,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,
    here your admin access …

    Best regards,


    Hi Kati,

    Thanks for that, does your site have a URL as well?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Sorry! Yes of course …

    Best regards,



    I get following error in the console:

    You have exceeded your request quota for this API. See

    Please check if you’ve set up a billing account or if a self-imposed daily limit has been exceeded. Please also read the google maps article here:

    You also need to update Enfold to the latest version 4.4.X. According to the version number (3.8) you’re using an old Enfold version which is not compatible with the latest google maps api.

    Best regards,


    i can‘t update my Theme Enfold. I have bought the Theme Enfold and integrated the code in the website (ERROR: Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlagen. Es wurde keine gültige URL übermittelt.)

    I thought that Google Map is free, if i integrated the API-Key…

    Can you help me with the update? Maybe it is the solution for the problem with Google Map…

    Best regards,


    Hi Kati17,

    No, the two issues are not connected. You can download the theme and update it via FTP.

    You will need to activate billing for the Google maps too.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    What happens with all my preferences on the website, when i update enfold via FTP? Will they persist or overwritten?

    And why i have to activate billing for the Google maps? On my website it works free. Or is it only for the case that i have more than 25000 loaded carts a day?

    Best regards



    Just replacing the theme files via FTP should not affect the theme settings as your theme settings will be stored in the database. However to be on the safer side please backup the settings from Enfol > Import/Export tab.

    Google has changed the way maps work, as of July 16, 2018, Google requires you to enable billing for all new users.

    Please follow the steps provided in our documentation the maps should work for you!

    Best regards,


    Hello Mr. Vinay,

    I have tried some solutions for this issue like what is here: “”
    I edited the code replaced things with my own data, but the watermark is still there.

    You are saying so, that there’s no other way to use google maps with Enfold theme for free anymore? Or the linked solution is working, just I was making something wrong?

    Thanks for your answer :)

    Best regards


    Hi Thomas,

    Well, there is a quota for the free impressions with Google maps and once it runs out, Google will charge your card if you enabled billing. No other options for now.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    thank you for the information. In this case I’d turn on billing.

    Thank you for your kind help.


    Hi Thomas,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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