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  • #1479153

    When I try and upload and install Google font in Custom Font Manager I get this error repeatedly:
    “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond. Please reload the page, then try again”
    What am I doing wrong?


    the above problem may have nothing to do with this, but you are aware that the downloaded contains both static and variable fonts.

    Google Petrona is one such variable font. The zip file you download from Google contains the variable font files and the static font files in a subfolder. Enfold also supports the use of variable fonts – but you need to upload them separately.

    Now you has to decide if you like to use both – and the static font files as fallback solution ( that needs some additional conditional querries ) – or to use one kind of font file.

    The static fonts contain a large number of styles (from 100 to 900 – regular and italic); you may want to make a selection here.


    Thanks Guenni007. I’m not sure I understand. Would this work if I didn’t have variable fonts in the zip? If so how do I just select 100 to 400?


    this is inside the zip file downloaded from Google:

    so you see the variable fonts – and inside the static folder the other fonts.
    Enfold can handle both – but you had to upload them separately. So unzip that file – the varible fonts put in a Folder f.e. Petrona-variable and pull out that zip file the static folder and rename it to Petrona
    zip these two folders ( on Mac do not include Mac Meta data ). Now these zip files are ready to upload. Make a decision what you like to use.

    For testing purpose – if you only need 100,400,700 download: Link
    and here is the variable font: Link

    First test only the static fonts. Normal users rarely know how to use a variable font ;)

    Enfold font manager:

    Choose your font then in General Styling – Fonts – at the end of the list there are the uploaded fonts


    What is the benefit of a variable font ( besides very special settings ) :

    but you see on the file-size column that if you really need all font-weights the varible font is less file-size than all the static font-files together.


    Thanks that is great info. I will o have play with variable fonts on this project.
    I still have the original problem though. When I try and upload and install the font zip in Custom Font Manager I get this error:
    “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond. Please reload the page, then try again”

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