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  • #1466236

    Google has created a “dogs-breakfast” of a User interface.
    The USER experience is daunting.
    That said, I believe the Google has now changed the name of the Google Analytics Tracking Code
    to “Analytics Measurement ID”

    If you can verify this change, perhaps you can also make this change in the ENFOLD Theme Options, (It is listed as TRACKING CODE) as I spent the better part of a day trying to track down the Analytics Tracking Code which does not seem to exist anymore.

    Is there a proper tutorial for Enflod showing how we integrate Captcha and the Google tracking ID (Ahem, Analytics Measurement ID) into a site?

    It has gotten so complicated with their stupid drill-down of information my artist head explodes.


    Also on Google ReCaptcha getting the error:

    ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can find the documentation related to Google services at the following links:


    Regarding the error, please ensure that you’re generating the token for the correct version of the ReCAPTCHA API. There are only V1 and V2.

    We’ll forward the info about the changes related to the tracking code or the Analytics Measurement ID.

    Best regards,

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