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  • #341438

    I read that I have to add the ID for Google analytics under the rel=”pingback” code in header.php, but I didn’t find this part of the code in the editor. How can I solve it?
    Then I change my site name, but in the web page in the favicon still appear the old one, how can I change it?
    Thanks in advance


    You can add your Google analytics tracking code into the field on the theme options page. You’ll want to paste in the whole code that Google Analytics supplies for you, not just the ID. Alternatively I can recommend the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin. It’s free and will give you some useful options in relation to managing Google Analytics. Please note you should add the Google Analytics code to either the theme options or to the plugin, but not in both places.

    I’m not sure what you’re asking with the other query. If your favicon uses the old website name, you should remove it via the theme settings, and add a new one.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Regarding the other query, you can upload your own favicon on Enfold > Theme Options > Favicon.


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