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  • #288500


    Anybody with the same experience? I have included the complete tracking code including the <script> tags into the analytics box of the theme. I have been using GA for a couple of years now and had with my old website never any problems excluding my own IP. Now with WP and Enfold GA keeps track of my visits to my website. Is there a solution or am I doing something wrong? I have contacted Google and so far they didn’t come with a solution


    Hi Ed!

    Nothing I can think of would cause something like that to happen by a theme interaction. The analytics field really only pastes whatever code you add to the field right back into the source of your site.

    You could try using any of the other plugins that have analytics support or even add it directly to your header or footer manually though I don’t think that would change whats happening in this case.

    As far as I know this is the only report of something like this and don’t think its a theme conflict with GA.



    Thanks Devin. I seems not logical to me either that the theme or WP is responsible.
    I having contact with google support on this matter. I happened a couple of weeks ago. Even with some of old my url’s which haven’t been changed for a couple of years now. A solitary webpage with a tracking code filters won’t work either.

    Thanks again


    Good luck with getting feedback from google as I’ve not had any before. If there is anything that we can check into on the theme side just let us know.


    Hi. I have the same problems during last months. I am using GA for two websites with Enfold theme and also for 3 websites with othere themes. But IP filters (from home and from office) for excluding of tracking my internal trafic are not working only on this two websitese with Enfold theme. That means that the problem is connected with Enfold theme. I dont know exactly since when this filters are not working but it could be conected since Enfold upgrade and my performance settings in Enfold options. Or even longer as I upgraded this two websites with SSL certificates. Any idea?



    Please try to deactivate the javascript merging function (go to Enfold > Theme Options > Performance and set the “Javascript file merging and compression” setting to “disable”). Make also sure the “Load jQuery in your footer” and “Disable jQuery Migrate” checkboxes are not checked.



    Thanks for your fast replay. I have done as you suggested, but there is still the same problem. I have disabled “Javascript file merging and compression” which was before enabled. Other two options are not and werent cheched before. After saving new options and deleting cache IP filters are still not working. Do you have any other idea?
    Best regards, Peter



    Please post a link to your website – I’ll check the console for errors.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I think the problem is connected to the “anonymize_ip” setting. I checked your google tag manager code and it contains:

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', 'UA-774997-8', { 'anonymize_ip': true });

    After reading some blog posts – i.e. – I’m pretty sure you need to replace the ip with another filter criteria. Alternatively you could deactivate the anonymize_ip setting but this is also a legal decision…

    Best regards,

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