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  • #294289


    I already found a topic with the solution, but it does not work. Google requires me to add the conversion tracking code for AdWords directly before the </head> section. Where I find the code:
    url(‘;) format(‘svg’);
    }#top .avia-font-fontello,body .avia-font-fontello,html body [data-av_iconfont=”fontello”]:before{font-family:’fontello’}</style>

    [my tracking code]

    Please help,



    Hey Johan!

    Try adding this at the very end of your theme / child theme functions.php file:

    function adwords_code_func() {



    Hi Josue,

    Now the website doens’t work at all. I get the following error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function avia_get_header_scroll_offset() in /home/outlouwd/public_html/ on line 772




    Hi Josue,

    I added the code to functions-enfold.php and:
    1. It seems to add the code to every page (which isn’t desirable): only to the thank you page after an inquiry took place.
    2. The code isn’t directly before </head> (there is still other style sheet code) and
    3. It creates a grey box above the menu.

    I have the per page head plugin installed and can add code to the head of any page, the biggest issue is though that our AdWords re-marketing code cannot fire if the code isn’t directly above the </head> tag.


    But were you able to check if the tracking is working? i don’t think there is a difference as long as the code is inside the <head></head> tag.



    This is what I did:

    Installed a plugin called “Creative Clans Embed Script

    Then on the actual page I wanted the conversion tracking setup… eg the actual URL that the customer goes to….. you go to where you design the page and on the right hand side below where you click to publish you will see a box to add the script.

    This worked for me and has been working with our adwords tracking for a number of months now.


    Oh and when you add the script to the box – put the script in “Scripts to be inserted at the bottom”.


    I often pop by just for tips and ideas I may pick up on. Saw the question and realised it was something I have dealt with myself.


    That’s great, thanks for sharing your solution Jamie :)


    It shows that it works now with tag manager, one has to add settings in tag manager and add that code for it to show that its working. It however still shows a suggested change, but I’ll let you know again if for some reason this isn’t working.

    Thanks a lot!

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