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  • #1153511

    i have a problem with google analytics. Since early October it doesnt count anymore any visitors.

    The Global site tag (gtag.js) is entered in the theme in the “Tracking-Code for Google Analytics” Section under google services.

    But in the source code from every webpage, the code is not in the HEAD Section, it is find somewhere in the end of any page source code ( around line 845…)
    Whats wrong? I am not aware, that i have or i can change that, that Enfold theme do that. Please help, i cant find any mistake.
    Many thanks in advance.



    I’m a bit disappointed that unfortunately nobody takes care of my problem :(

    Have now tried tens of settings, but Enfold writes the gtag somewhere in line 800 and not in the HEAD segment, not even if I change the functions.php with the code.

    I have now installed the plugin “insert headers and footers”, entered the code in the header and this plugin does now, where the GA code should go.

    Why does not Enfold write the code into the HEAD segment ???



    Hi Bert,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Bert,

    Thanks for that. I see that you have removed the code from Enfold->Google Services, can we add it back there in order to reproduce the issue? No other users have reported this problem so it’s likely that it’s local to your installation.

    Best regards,

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