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  • #1256707

    Hi there,

    I noticed that my website it’s slow in the use. GTmetrix test go pretty good, nothing loads in too much(of course can be bette) but then using the site, changing page for example, takes a lot of time.
    I was wondering if the theme can affect this issue?
    Could you help me? Here the site https://www.officineditrevi.com/

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey alligatorsnc,

    Your site is pretty heavy when it comes to images, I would recommend that you try to reduce the amount of images on the page, or make them smaller. Your server is also responding very slowly as indicated in yellow in the test in private, please bring that up with your hosting provider.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Ok I got it, I’ll try to reduce and optimize the images in pages.

    Best regards.



    Thanks for the update, please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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