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  • #178184

    Hi there!

    Please take a look at this page :

    (you’ll need my login details, which I can post in a private message once you reply.)

    I would like these gallery thumbnails to all be one size, as it looks messy with them in their original proportions – for example, all portfolio featured images (that I use in other areas of the site) are resized to fit into a certain space, which I like. I don’t need these gallery thumbnails to show the whole image, but I definitely want the page to look neater than it does now.

    I’ve tried a standard WordPress gallery but the thumbnails are tiny with no way to adjust the size. I would prefer to use the Enfold Gallery anyway, so your help would be amazing! Would I need a plugin to control the dimensions of the thumbnails? I have about 50 images to add to this gallery still!

    Thanks so much :)


    Hey cannonballb!

    Please post the login details and set it as a private reply. We would like to inspect the page with the gallery, please post the actual link here.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    You can update to Enfold version 2.4 and use new Masonry Gallery element under Media Elements :)



    Awesome! Will give it a go and let you know if it works for me.

    Thanks :)



    Sure, let us know!



    I have upgraded and it looks awesome :) Is there anyway to make it a 4 or 5 column gallery? (at the moment it only stays at 3 columns) >

    ALSO I just looked at my one portfolio page, and ALL my artists are gone! Could this have to do with the upgrade?? Please help this is urgent!! >




    1) As i see you figured out to display 4 columns
    2) Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options

    #js_sort_items { visibility: visible; }
    .js_active .grid-image { opacity: 1; }



    Thanks, however I have two different queries:

    1. this is the page where i need to have 4 columns. Is there a way to change this in the masonry gallery?

    2. I added the code you gave me to custom css… the images are now showing, but they don’t look right at all, and there is a huge image at the top? I just want 4 rows of portfolio items in a “portfolio small” grid, as per my backend settings.

    Lastly, is there a way to add more than 100 portfolio items to a single page without having pagination?

    Thanks for your help!



    1) It is 4 columns on my end It will change depending on the screensize.
    2) Please try adding following code as well

    .grid-image img, .grid-image { width: auto; }



    Thanks for the help…

    I’ve added that extra line of code, but it’s still not looking right :

    Also the sortable categories aren’t showing anymore either? This all changes when I upgraded the theme, but my other portfolio grids haven’t been affected, just this one.

    All the images also look like they’re cropped differently to how they originally were.

    Not sure why it’s gone all weird – is it because of the upgrade?

    Thanks again for your assistance!



    Can you please delete the entry “SAUDIQ KHAN” and create it again? I don’t know why it is inside the sort container.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Can you try re-updating the theme via FTP? This simply should not happen
    For a quick guide on updating your theme take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP:

    Best regards,


    Okay I have re-updated the theme via CPANEL.

    Nothing has changed – still no sortable categories and images sizes & titles are still looking weird.

    Any other ideas?


    Hey guys,

    My portfolio grid is still broken on this page >

    Sortable categories are still not displaying at the top, and the images sizes & titles are not right.

    My portfolio grids on the homepage are perfect – why is this page giving me such problems?

    Please help – my client needs this fixed asap.

    I really appreciate the help!



    After re-updating theme and deactivating all active plugins, have you removed the css code i posted earlier?

    Best regards,


    Yes, I updated the theme and removed that code… now the page is blank again (?)

    If I deactivate my plugins, will I be able to reactivate them again?
    The plugins I’d like to keep using are:

    Wordpress Importer
    WP Updated Notifier
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Juiz Last Tweet Widget

    I really don’t know how to fix this page :(



    Yes you can activate and deactivate your plugins with a single click. After deactivating them please logout from dashboard, close browser then login once again to check your artists page



    Okay so I deactivated all plugins, logged out of dashboard, closed and reopened my browser and checked my artists page – and it worked. All the portfolio items were back to normal again.

    BUT then I reactivated the plugins – and it seems that the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin is the problem!

    So if I can’t use that plugin, how will I be able to track my analytics? Is there a suitable plugin I can use that won’t corrupt my site?



    Glad that fixed! You can simply add your Google Analytics code in Enfold theme options

    Best regards,


    Oh yes of course – totally forgot about that.

    THANK YOU for all your patience and help!!! Really appreciate it – LOVING this theme and your technical support is amazing.

    You guys rock :)



    You are welcome! Glad we could help :)


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