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  • #1478527

    Under media elements when using a custom gallery with large image and small thumbnails – Is it possible to locate the thumbnails to the left of the large image or even better in a separate column? Currently the only option appears to be under the large image, which unfortunately the viewer doesn’t see unless they scroll down to find them. A link is list in the private section showing how I’d like the thumbnails to appear in a left hand column.


    Hey JeffDale,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    There is no option for this by default, but you can add this css code to adjust the width of the main image and move it to the right, effectively creating space for the thumbnails.

    #top div .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-big {
        float: right;
        width: 50%;


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    Best regards,


    This solution makes the large image too small (non-impactful) for impressive portfolio use. If I use a different percentage say 25% will the thumbnails stack on top of one another, creating perhaps 2 columns wide over 5 rows tall?



    Have you tried removing the default sidebar to create more space for the gallery? As mentioned above, the option to relocate the gallery navigation is not available.

    Best regards,


    This page layout is a 1/3 left hand column for art title, specification and eventual description and 2/3 right hand column for gallery photos. Are you referring to the left column as a default sidebar? When creating the portfolio entry I did turn off the default sidebar there.

    The question still stands “If I use a different percentage say 25% (for the large image) will the thumbnails stack (to the left) on top of one another, creating perhaps 2 columns wide over 5 rows tall?”



    Yes, we were referring to the left column. Have you tried moving the gallery to 1/1 column to create more space for the main image and the thumbnails?

    Best regards,


    If I go to a 1/1 page format then I would have to put the title on top of the photos instead of beside the gallery of images… Unless I use the Ajax feature which seems to allow for text content to appear to the left of the gallery. I’m not familiar with this option plus generally don’t like the formatting limitations and quirkyness within this text field area.

    If I use your previously supplied CSS coding can I control the number of thumbnail columns with the gallery styling tools?

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