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  • #769436

    I used the same fullwidth slider to create multiple pages’ cover image (by saving it as a template). It is working properly on the other pages except one where I have a Woocommerce element added. Here, the fullwidth slider is not reducing its height to 430 px although that option is selected. Even after I manually cropped the image to 430 px the image height became more than that due to stretching. But not stretching it would mean that it does not cover the full width of the page, which was not what I wanted. In the end, I had to manually adjust the height of the container using CSS. However, because the dimensions of the image were off and the container size was thus not right, the caption on that image also started appearing more to the bottom of the image although the option to show it on center center was selected. I have adjusted it manually using top: 15% right now and will also adjust for smaller screens, but I need to understand why this is happening so that I can fix it properly. Adding link to the affected page in the private section. You can see how the same elements is working fine on other pages but not this one.


    Hey architchandra,

    I get a “404 Not Found” error when opening link you’ve provided, can you check please?

    Best regards,


    Yeah, was building this on a development subdomain earlier. Have not migrated to the live domain. But ignore now, not a problem anymore.



    Ok, thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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