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  • #555209

    Hi Guys,

    troubles ahead. The fullwidht-slider doesn’t work propper in Safari after updating the theme today.

    The slides start and work through after the last one, and before the first slide comes up again, the slider disappears and only a little picture icon comes up. Then when the first slide has to start again, the slider is visible again.

    Can you please check and solve this,




    I forgot to mention – it works proper in Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.



    try to deactivate all plugins, to check if one is causing this issue and let us know about your results. If that does not help send us admin access, so we can take a deeper look into it. Are we allowed to deactivate all your plugins temporarily by ourselves as well for testing purposes?



    Hey Andy,

    so here we go again, as you asked me I deactivated all plugins, cleared the cache of Safari Browser, but the problem stays the same – the last slide from the fulwidth-slider don’t show up.

    Now even a second problem occured after setting up a new page – there I use an EASY SLIDER and also again the pic of the slider doesn’t show up in Safari.

    So what I did now is to give you access to the website – so that you can have a look by yourself and you can deactivate the plugins also by yourself to check – as I mentioned it only appears on Safari, not on Chrome or Firefox.

    Can you please, as soon as possible, and check what’s wrong – I want to go on with this webpage for my customer without this problems, because she uses Safari and that’s not the best recomendation for me if it don’t work.

    Thanks, Martina



    Safari has this issue, it cannot find files with special characters in file names. Please use simple Latin, use “o” instead of “ö”.



    Hey Yigit,

    fantastic news and such an easy solution – great and thanks a lot – very happy now!!!

    Happy weekend,




    You are welcome Martina, glad we could help! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues and have a great weekend!


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