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  • #1279132

    Recently the fullscreen sliders and masonry galleries just stopped displaying on my site. Is there any known issue going on with Enfold?
    Thank you



    Thanks for contacting us!

    I am getting the error I attached in private content field and therefore unable to check your website.
    Which version of Enfold and WP are you currently using?

    Best regards,


    I am using WordPress 5.6.1 and Enfold Version Number is
    PHP version: 7.3.23.
    I removed the firewall block so you should be able to access the site now.
    Thanks, awaiting your reply!


    Administrative access below

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by kvo3369.


    Thanks for the update. There is a password box before being able to see the WordPress login page, could you share that password as well please?

    Best regards,


    Sorry about that. I have removed that password protection now.


    For example, the Home page should display a fullscreen header and also a gallery. Neither of these display on the site front.
    Thank you


    I am having this same issue.

    It looks like an issue with the opacity on animated blocks – it looks like the opacity doesn’t change to 1 for the animations to render. I guess this is an issue with the js but I have put a temporary hacky fix in the css to force an opacity of 1 on the gallery and slider for my site. This was also happening on a timeline animation and a couple other blocks.

    EXAMPLE: You can see my hacky fix on this page – I have given the list item in the timeline an opacity of 1 through the wordpress theme editing tools which is fine for now but I have no idea what else it might break down the line.

    The gallery wasn’t displaying on this page either:

    A couple of other blocks could be fixed by simply switching off the animation, but these ones needed this css to rectify it.

    I hope that helps.

    This is WP version 5.6.1, Enfold Version: 4.5.5, php version 7.3.23
    I don’t know exactly when it started but it was first reported to me on the 7th January by my client who uses his site regularly.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by kimnovlr.

    It also looks to me like the same issue is happening on your coming soon demo here –

    I can’t see the countdown timer. (I am on Chrome on Windows btw). See the opacity on this element – av-countdown-timer


    Has there been any solution to this? Thank you


    I was able to make the sections appear again by disabling the Javascript file merging and compression in Enfold > Performance.


    Hi kvo3369,

    Thanks for the update, I’m glad that you found a solution. Were you running the SG Optimiser plugin, when your problems occurred? If so then that is a known problem, the plugins creates a jQuery error when file compression is active in the theme options.

    Best regards,


    Hi kimnovlr,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I’m having the same issue with all my Masonry Galleries. They don’t display on desktop, but for some reason appear on mobile.

    I’m currently running Enfold Theme 4.5.5, WordPress 5.7 and PHP: 7.4.

    Can someone advise what the fix is for this issue?

    Additionally, the last time I tried updating to the latest version of the Enfold theme, the entire site got distorted. It was so bad, I needed to revert to an old backup as I had no idea how to fix it. Any idea why this may have happened and advice on how I can go about updating the theme without my site getting completely distorted?

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi mjsabates,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.8.1) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,

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