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  • #191442


    With regards to the Fullscreen Slider, I can’t change the slideshow image size. It appears in 1 default size, regardless of whether I choose “No Scaling”, “Large”, or “Extra Large”.

    I’ve tried using different sized images. If I use a small image, the slider will enlarge the image to the default size.

    Here’s a live example:
    The images used are 1500px x 600px.
    The slideshow image size is set to “No Scaling”.

    Thanks in advance :)


    Hi lakecoast!

    If you’re expecting the full screen slider to change size when you select a “Slideshow Image Size” then you’ll be disappointed. The thumbnails that are use on your slider are correct since the original size of the images are 1500x600px and you set “Slideshow Image Size” to “No Scaling”. The “Slideshow Image Size” option refers to the thumbnail size that is going to be use on the full screen slider but it will not change the dimension of the actual slider.




    I just purchased Enfold and learning to get to grips with it.

    I think it is a bit confusing then, when one chooses to use the Fullscreen Slider and sets the option to No Scaling. This gives the impression that you can upload an image with a certain size and that it will not be scaled upwards when used in the slider.

    Maybe this could be explained somewhere in future documentation?




    Thank you for the heads up. We greatly appreciate any feedbacks from from our customers.

    The No Scaling option is for the actual image only but on the full screen slider, you have to take account the css styling that will probably resize the image to fit the slider. In case you’d like to know, the fullscreen slider on the demo uses 1500x1500px dimension. If you have any questions, definitely take some time to review all of the resources in the Theme Documentation and watch some our Video Tutorials to learn more more about the different areas of the theme.


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