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  • #519513

    Hey guys,
    After searching around this forum I couldn’t find anyone else having this issue.
    Check out this link and notice the sub menu stays static as you scroll down. It wasn’t doing this a few days ago and don’t
    believe I’ve added anything that would hinder it.


    Any help is greatly appreciated!


    Hi Nate!

    When you edit the element make sure the “sticky submenu” option is unchecked. If that does not help then let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    If none of the above helps then send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a closer look.



    I’m not as versed on the backend stuff to see what would be causing it. I could send a temporary login however.



    Can you please reuplaod enfold, before we try out the plugins method?

    Best regards,

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