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  • #611490

    I have a full width submenu linking to color sections with named id’s/anchors. Can I hilight on the menu the current color section the visitor is in?

    If I have a single page and 4 color sections, can I hilight the menu item about us when your are in the about section as an example.

    Or will it only work on active pages and not sections?



    Hi Frank,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Thank for your reply, I have included a link to my site. I would like the word results to be highlighted in the sub menu when you are at that color section. I’ve seen this work with your one page demos where the main menu link is underlined and as you scroll the page the underline changes based on what section you are in. Would really like to do that with the submenu so my main menu can be for pages and the sub menu navigating the color sections.

    Thanks Again


    In the demo page I have set up the contact link is set to the color section and it underlines when in the main menu when you are there.

    If the submenu could do the same that would be great.


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    You have multiple tickets open for the same issue. It takes much time and a lot of work for all of us. and it will slow the whole process. Let us know which ticket you would like us to focus on so we can close one of the tickets and help you resolve this issue.


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